
Inkema – Loading Bays

The Perfect Combination of Speed, Functionality and Safety

Technical Information

Loading Bays and unloading bays and unloading equipment is a very important point in any econmic sector. For this reason, Inkema develops increasingly innovative solutions to fully eqip the loading bays with maximum safety and speed for the vehicles, but also achieves remarkable expense savings.
Inkema also supplies different constructive systems. After conducting a previous study, Inkema offer the best solutions for each type of construction, installation and loading bays. They have a wide range of loading solutions to cater for diverse needs.



Variety of truck heights and loading bays make dock levellers inevitable. These are the most practical and safest way to perform the loading and unloading process.

Inkema manufacture two types of dock levellers with hinged lip:

RH11: Embedded Pit type

Dock leveller for those who want to start with a pit and a sub-frame.

RH12: Self-hanging type

Dock leveller for those who prefer to install the leveller in a pit without a sub-frame

RH13: Box Model without letter box

Dock leveller for those who do not want a pit

RH14: Dock leveller with a specific height

Specially designed for the transport. THe space inside the trusts is optimised, thus reducing the cost of transportation.


Dock Levellers with telescopic lip allow you to adapt to all loading and unloading situations. Thanks to the lip’s retractable movement, the struct does not have to be centred in the dock. With these dock models you have longer platforms with a place in shorter loading bays.

They allow larger height differences between loading bays and truck platforms, as well as the distance between them.

The Inkema construction system concept is easy to explain, these systems are designed for satisfy anyones needs:

RH21/31: Embedded Pit type

For those who want to start with a pit and a sub-frame

RH22/32: Self-hanging type.

For those who prefer to install the leveller in a pit without a sub-frame.

RH23/33 Dock Levellers.

For those who do not want a pit – Box Model without letter box.


Inkema conduct research and create new products of the highest quality, to satisfy the needs of an increasingly demanding market. They design and manfacture special dock levellers of all types, wuch as the 12-metre long dock leveller, the Dual SR leveller consisting of a combination of lifting table and hydraulic ramp, and many more specific for each customer.


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